Graphic Design x Architecture (BA Degree Study)
3rd Year (2010/11) | First Semester
Split across to semesters; the first required me to create a pavilion which had spaces created for sitting, laying, and standing. There also had to be a space for cinema. The pavilion had to be designed in such a way that no adhesives would be required.
Furthermore, a computer montage needed to be generated which combined an abstract model (from a supplementary design module) and an elevation drawing of my created pavilion. The main purpose of this was to emphasise the cinematic space inside the pavilion.
Assets Provided
University Technology Suite + Written Brief
Final Artwork
A computer-rendered (and scale 1:10 physical) pavilion model was created answering the brief - as well as a montage combining an abstract model and pavilion elevation.
Third Year (2010/11) | Second Semester
The second semester called upon me to create a large-scale social space which too catered for a complex of apartment blocks
Assets Provided
Final Artwork
I created a drama school which catered for both educational and living arrangements. Apartment blocks were created in two-bedroom, single-bedroom, and studio apartment sizes.
Second Year (2009/10)
I was required to visit the [then] pre-developed Goods Way by Regents Canal side to find an item which would serve as the launchpad for a factory. This item would be the inspiration for the direction of my project which was circled around 'sustainability'. I was allocated a piece of land along Goods Way to be my site for my design.
Assets Provided
Map of site.
Previous Sustainable projects.
Final Artwork
I discovered an aluminium crisps packet and a water bottle on site which was to be my design basis - that is the plastic and aluminium.
I created a plastic water bottle-making factory which was filled with water filtrated from Regents Canal before being exported to nearby Kings Cross St Pancras International. The actual factory was to be clad in aluminium for an improved aesthetic.
Below you will find featured an A0-squared piece of sketch-roll which we were required to use to place all our ideas on.