My Barcelona Walkway

I was in Barcelona last week and had the best of times. Below is one of my favourite shots from the trip...


Soon, I will put together a slightly more expansive blog post which documents some of my best architectural imagery from the amazing adventure.

For now, do follow my photography Instagram @r_ikoroha_photography where I regularly roll out Barcelona imagery!

Many thanks. 


Bajan Blog Bow | Part 1

Hey guys,

It has been a few weeks since I last blogged on here owing to the fact I have been busy with travel and work commitments; but I am happy to say my travel blog post on Barbados will be arriving very soon. I am in the process of shortlisting and finalising the visual content which will feature before "green-lighting" the post.

Keep an eye out for that!



Amsterdam Aperture

Amsterdam 2016.

It was quite the trip I must say; especially getting to grips with the Amsterdam culture, lifestyle, and remembering that “forward” is on the right hand side of the road and not the left as it is here in England!

I spent an amazing few days there in the Dutch capital, and come leaving day I did not want to go home! Below I will share with you a few of my favourite captures from the trip. Captures are specifically from iPhone (6S+ model) as I did not take my DSLR.

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Tubular Perspective

I think it is rude not to get a platform capture when heading for your train ;). I have taken this photo at Charing Cross tube station. 

Along the platform at Charing Cross tube station, London

Along the platform at Charing Cross tube station, London

I completely removed all saturation from the photo except for the platform artwork as I found quite an interesting contrast between its colour and the monochrome of the rest of the photo. I welcome your thoughts. R